When towing or hauling nothing can be more disappointing than having to put up with bouncing and jarring because of a rough trailer. There is a solution and there is good news when it comes to this common problem associated with trailer towing. The gooseneck offset cushion coupler will take the bounce and jar out of your ride. As a matter of fact, you will likely feel the difference almost immediately by simply changing from your current gooseneck trailer coupler to this innovative type of cushion coupler. Statistically speaking, it absorbs nearly 60% of bumps, jolts and jars that are often experienced during a typical towing experience. Those who are moving around cargo, and equipment will find that this more enjoyable and smoother ride will result in reduced driver and passenger stress and fatigue. Overall, this is one product that is hard to match.

Innovative Tools and Equipment as Well as Accessories

Best of all, this type of gooseneck offset cushion coupler is easy to install, durable and long-lasting. There are even versions that allow for additional clearance between the cab of the tow vehicle and the front of the trailer. This means more clearance and ultimately added trailer swing radius. All of these innovative tools and equipment as well as accessories mean not only a more enjoyable ride but also a safer ride. With so much to offer it is clear to see why cushion couplers are so popular today with those who routinely tow and haul a wide range of things. To learn more about this and other similar types of gooseneck trailer hitches, contact Hitches & Couplers Inc. The company is always standing by am ready to help and is just a call or click away. Get in touch today.